Apologies that we missed last month’s news update. This was due to the contributor attempting a holiday, but was then impacted by the international emergency we all know now as COVID 19.

Some of our team are still out there responding to calls, others have had to self-isolate for health and wellbeing concerns. We all hope that in the next few weeks and months we can all work to follow the Government guidance to stop the spread of this disease which is already taking lives.

If you live in Bransgore we do recommend you follow the Facebook site for local residents

Bransgore Coronavirus Isolation Help + Support Group


It has lots of useful information and advice.


Brilliant to see the community support and kindness of everyone and especially our local shops and businesses who have made changes to support us all. Please support those business now and in the future when all this is a memory.


There is plenty of information out there already on how to protect yourselves and your family, and perhaps most importantly how to wash your hands PROPERLY.

So, this month we simply repeat the Government advice. PLEASE FOLLOW IT.


Covid 19  Apr04 Thanks























And Finally

Apr20 Bridge