The first few days of this month were busy for the team. We had a presence at the fireworks display at the Three Tuns where Bransgore school held their usual display. Colleagues from Bransgore Community First Aid Association provided the First Aid for the event.
Over that weekend we had a new volunteer going through the induction training course and we are pleased to report that following her successful completion of the course, we are now joined by Sue Giles who will be operating from Burley.

And on Monday the 5th the whole team went through the twice yearly requalification process to prove that we keep our skills honed.



On Armistice Sunday we will be joining with the nation to remember and honour those who have sacrificed themselves through the years to secure and protect our freedom. We will lay a wreath at the newly refurbished War Memorial at the crossroads, 100 years to the minute since
the guns of World War One fell silent.             


 As we move nearer to Christmas, we are preparing our annual video which we will post on our Facebook site, which highlights some of the events and occasions we have experienced in the last 12 months, and some of the messages we send out reminding everyone of some important matters to think about over the Christmas and New Year period.