We have been honoured, in more ways than one, over the past months. Three of the team were nominated for awards at the South Central Ambulance Charity’s Volunteer Conference in October. Rex and Jackie were nominated in the Responder of the Year category and Mike in the Fundraiser of the year category. Mike and Jackie were runners up in their categories but given volunteers came from Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Hampshire, the competition was fierce.
Addtionally, Mike, Jackie, Rex and Bill received their Kings Coronation medals which are awarded to military personnel and emergency services staff who provide frontline operational response to emergencies and who had served at least five years’ service on 6th May 2023.
We still would still like to hear from anyone interested in joining us as a community based First Responder for the ambulance service in this area.
Contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave us a message on 0844 500 9699 for a no commitment chat.
Have a think over the Christmas and maybe make it a New Year resolution to become a Community First Responder. Full training and uniform is provided and the reward from assisting a patient at a time of medical emergency, and working alongside our ambulance service professional colleagues, is worth experiencing. Recruiting opportunities may be limited so please speak sooner rather than later. Visit the charity website by clicking here.